Marketplace Rules
1 Vouch copies are only valid for rank "Royal, Legendary, Glory, Moderators".
2 It is strictly prohibited to sell anything that has already been shared, it will result in a permanent ban.
3 All sales threads must be located in the marketplace section, posting in other sections is prohibited.
4 Marketplace threads can only be bumped once every 24 hours. If you continue bumping it will result a warning.
5 Vouches from other forums on the forum have no value, it Will result in a warning.
6 A person that receives a vouch copy is obligated to leave a review of the product.
7 Making your own ToS is not allowed and will be ignored.
8 Be extremely careful when dealing with new members.
9Posting "scammer" in another member's thread isn't allowed.
10You are not allowed to post anything in the marketplace while having an open scam report.
11Try to do deals via PM system so we can assist you in case of getting scammed.
12Posting in the incorrect section will lead to a warning.
13If any of your tool are cracked here, do not create your service thread and do not upgrade your account.
14 If you are scammed please open a topic at scam reports section. Do not PM staff about it. is not responsible for deals made by members.